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YOUNG POLITICAL SCIENCE – what an initiative!

YOUNG POLITICAL SCIENCE – what an initiative!

Kielce’s political science circle, boasting with the right to doctoral degrees that was granted by the Institute of Political Science of Jan Kochanowski’s University, has undertaken the initiative to organize the annual Świętokrzyskie Scientific Meetings called YOUNG POLITICAL SCIENCE since 2009. All the more, because 2009 is the year when Świętokrzyskie province celebrated 40 years of higher education. The offer is directed to the whole political science circle in the country, especially for assistants and doctoral students in the hope of their positive response. We also do not hide the fact that we would be honored if the young students of political science reported their first scientific publication in our periodic initiatives in the cultural Homeland of the Polish language, which is the Świętokrzyskie Mountain region.

By organizing Świętokrzyskie Scientific Meetings, we want most of all to encourage young students of political science to present their own research results. At the same time we want to give them a chance for the first scientific publication, which in their future profession as a political scientist will take an important place among their academic achievements, if only because it will be their first scientific publication.

We must admit that organizing the above mentioned conference we used the experience of Political Sciences and International Relations Faculty of Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica ( Republic of Slovakia), of which representatives were also actively involved in the organization, providing us with their long experience. The researchers at the University of Matej Bel have been organizing similar meetings since 2004 under the name INTERPOLIS, and the scope of issues brought up is constantly being expanded. We thank them for kind advice and guidance, hoping that this cooperation will continue.

The first Świętokrzyskie Scientific Meeting called YOUNG POLITICAL SCIENCE was attended by young political scientists from Banska Bystrica, Warsaw, Krakow, Katowice, Gdańsk, Poznań, Częstochowa, Lublin, Rzeszów, Słupsk and Kielce. During this Meeting they presented a fairly broad spectrum of their scientific interests. Prepared papers and the scientific announcements appeared to be diverse and interesting in terms of content. There were also presentations on international, regional, political thought issues as well as those on the functioning of local governments and non-governmental organizations or on activities of the banking sector. The presented case studies concerned various aspects of the transformation and functioning of new democracies in their dynamic approach.

Each subsequent meeting of YOUNG POLITICAL SCIENCE has its own focus topic. The problems of political transformation was the main topic in 2009; in 2010 – Non-governmental organizations; in 2011 – Quo Vadis European democracy? and The problems of contemporary Europe and Poland; in 2012 – Crisis or the need for political, social and economical modernization.

The organizers of YOUNG POLITICAL SCIENCE have handed over to the political science circle the achievements of Świętokrzyskie Scientific Meetings in the form of compact publications. We are turning with the request to send your comments and suggestions, which we will try to use during the subsequent editions of our scientific initiative.



Project Coordinator: prof. dr hab. Janusz Jarosiński , e- mail; Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie obsługi JavaScript.

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